Safety Tips

Faculty, staff, and students must recognize that they should take individual precautions to protect themselves from becoming victims of a crime. Working together and using the safety tips below as a campus community in crime prevention programs is essential in the successful development of a safe campus environment.

  1. Always be mentally and physically prepared to react to emergency situations.
  2. Be alert and aware of the people around you.
  3. Educate yourself concerning prevention tactics.
  4. Be aware of locations and situations which would make you vulnerable to crime, for example, alleys and dark parking lots.
  5. When possible, go with a friend.
  6. Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible.
  7. Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where someone could hide.
  8. Walk confidently and at a steady pace, making eye contact with people you meet.
  9. Do not respond to conversation from strangers on the street, just continue walking.
  10. If you carry a purse, hold it securely between your arm and your body.
  11. Do not leave personal items unattended, such as purses, book bags, cell phones and keys.
  12. Secure your vehicle. Close all windows and lock all doors.
  13. When approaching your vehicle have your keys in your hand and ready to open your door.
  14. Before entering your vehicle, visually check inside, under and around it.
  15. If someone tries to enter your vehicle, honk your horn, yell and attract attention.
  16. If you are being followed or harrassed, drive to the nearest safe location.
  17. Don’t text and drive.

In the Event of Fire

  1. Do Not attempt to use elevators.
  2. Ensure that 911 and Campus Police (910-770-3232) have been notified.
  3. Facilitate the orderly evacuation of the building or area.
  4. Ensure special attention is given to those requiring assistance during evacuation (children, persons with disabilities, etc.)
  5. If possible, secure doors to sensitive areas, offices etc.
  6. If possible, without endangering yourself, ensure the building is vacant and prevent re-entry into the building.
  7. Ensure that evacuees meet at group designated assembly points.
  8. Help ensure that lanes of travel used by emergency vehicles are kept clear.
  9. Communicate what information you have about the incident to responding Campus Police and other emergency responders.
  10. No one will be allowed to re-enter the building or area until the “all clear” has been given by the commander of the Fire Department.
